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Storm Water Management and the VillageThis FAQ describes what Storm Water Management is and how it affects Village residents and businesses.
- What is a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP)?
- What Village laws regulate storm water and storm water discharges?
- How does the Storm Water Plan affect me?
- What can I do to help?
- Your question is not here? Please let us know
1. What is a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP)?
The Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) is plan that details how each munincipality will comply with the Federal and State requirements for reducing storm water discharges to the waterways, lakes, harbors and ultimately the oceans. The NY State DEC administers the program. Each year the Village must submit a report to the State outlining how it has met the minimum requirements under a number of areas such as "Public Education" and "Illicit Discharge Detection".
See the Villages Annual Reports Here! - Top
2. What Village laws regulate storm water and storm water discharges?
The two primary local laws to consider when addressing storm water issues are Chapter 22-A "DRAINAGE, EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS" and Chapter 26 "SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL" of the Village Code. Chapter 22-A addresses current requirements for storm water retention design, and Chapter 26 address permitted and non-permitted storm water discharges and enforcement of illicit discharges. Both these documents are available in our publications section at the following link;
Publications - Top
3. How does the Storm Water Plan affect me?
Since the overall purpose of the stormwater plan is to reduce the pollutants entering our waterways, we must go to the source. Much of the storm water entering the public storm water drainage system originates on private property. By reducing either the amount of water entering the system, or the amount of pollutants carried to the system by storm water, or both. we can acheive our goals. Each private property owner can take actions that can help. Some are voluntary and some are required as part of the Village Code. See the publications on storm water available at Village Hall and on line. - Top
4. What can I do to help?
Reducing lawn ferterlizer usage or finding an environmentally friendly alternative will reduce the chemical load entering our harbors. Observe proper lawn watering hours and duration as required by the Water District. Don't Litter! Ever little pice of debris that ends up in the roadway can be washed into the storm system and then to the waterways during rain storms. Maintain intentional discharges on your property by installing drywells. (building permit required) Many of the above are required by local law. For more complete information on controling pollutants go to;
Nassau County's Storm Water Site - Top
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